Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Talking Point #10

What Can We Do?
By: Allan Johnson
  • changes
  • privilege
  • oppression
  • trouble
  • alternatives


Allan Johnson argues that we need to be more aware of the troubles or problems that are surrounding us in society. Being more aware of these troubles will help us find solutions for these problems.


"We need to begin by thinking about the trouble and the challenge in new and more productive ways..." (Page 125)

"think about the trouble as eveyone's responsibility-everybody's hook-and nobody's fault" (Page 127).

"...we have to alter how we see ourselves in relation to a long term, complex process of change." (Page 131).

"If we're going to see ourselves as part of that kind of change, we cant use the human life span as a significant standard against which to measure progress." (Page 131)

"...we need to clarify for ourselves how our choices matter and how they don't" (Page 132)

"...changing the world had to involve [individuals and social systems]." (Page 142)

"...one of the most important principles of participating in change." (Page 150)

"...taking responsibility...means acknowledging an obligation to make a contribution structure ways to act on that obligation...beginning with the simplest act of naming the system out loud" (Page 153)


I love reading Johnson because he is sooooooo real. He talks directly not like other author who are wordy and it seem like a drag when reading. I agree with his argument about how we need each other to start seeing the troubles we are facing in a different way so that we can come up with better solutions to those problems. I like the way he keeps mentioning in this chapter that we need each other to work together. It is better to work together than working alone because you get more work done and I feel like you are heard more. What I learn is that for us to make that change we have to make that first move, however we shouldn't expect to be the ones to end the problems. I so agree with him when he said that when we start making these changing we shouldn't expect changes to appear during our life span because in reality it takes more than a life span to see a progression. Now I can say why people give up on changing the way the society is. Making changes to help this society is difficult when you don't see an instant progression. Johnson gives out really good methods for us to use in order to participate in this change. The one that I think I can do and see changes a little sooner is not participating into jokes that are racial and homophobic. By me not laughing or say "THAT'S NOT FUNNY" is a good start for me. Another way I can participate is by reading more books like Johnson's book. Having that knowledge is a great way for me to share with other. For instance, my boyfriend is younger than me and he is thinking about majoring in education. Since I know that teaching is his future goal I always try to have conversation about the society we are in and the way our school system is ran. I try to inform him with the knowledge I have so that he can keep passing that on to others. By me reading more books like this one will help me gain more knowledge on the troubles that are surrounding us. The one method that I think I wouldn't be able to accomplish is joining an organization that concentrates on the system changes. It is not that I don't want to join is that I know that I am too busy with school and work that I don't even have time for myself. So that I wouldn't look bad I rather work on the two methods that I know I will enjoy doing. Like Johnson stated in his book "start where you are and work from there" (Page 153).


Dr. Lesley Bogad said...


Your blogs are just excellent. You take time to explain every quote and try to figure out what meaning it has in the context of our class. I love how your bring in your personal thoughts on every issue! And you were the first one to show me how to find pretty background for blogger, too!

See you next semester in ALLIED.

LB :)

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